Haemorrhoid or Pile External Pakaian Luar 外用

Farmasi 727, Kepong Baru, Kuala Lumpur has  a category which has Haemorrhoids or Pile ointment as well as  suppository products in it.

These products include gentle medications like hydrocortisone to reduce swelling and discomfort. They also have pain relievers, such as benzocaine and cinchocaine, to quickly ease pain and itching.

In addition, ingredients like zinc oxide protect the skin and calm irritation. A natural ingredient called aesculine helps improve blood flow and repair tissues. To prevent infection and support healing, we include components like soframycin and framycetin.

By combining these ingredients, our products offer a complete solution for managing hemorrhoids. They provide relief from symptoms while promoting healing, helping you get back to your daily activities with comfort.

If you’re in Kepong, local pharmacies or Farmasi often carry options like Xyloproct Piles Ointment and Suppository, Doproct Hemorrhoids Ointment and Suppository, and Rowatanal Ointment.

For more information or to purchase, contact us at 018-8748273 in Kepong Baru.

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