When you are getting old

Coenzyme Q10 (Ubidecarenone) by Imeks is available in Farmasi 727, Kepong Baru, Kuala Lumpur.

Coenzyme Q10 75mg IMEKS


You may get Coenzyme Q10 (Ubidecarenone) 75mg Imeks at Farmasi727 in Kepong Baru, Kuala Lumpur.

Coenzyme Q10 commonly helps in conditions that affect the heart such as heart failure, fluid building up in body, chest pain & high BP. It may helps too in preventing migraine headache, Parkinson disease, and etc..

People can choose to get Coenzyme Q10 (Ubidecarenone) 75mg Imeks at Farmasi727 in Kepong Baru in Kuala Lumpur.

As a matter of fact, coenzyme Q10 75mg  aka Ubidecarenone 75mg, is a vitamin-like substance found throughout the body, but especially in the heart, liver, kidney, and pancreas. One commonly obtains it in small amounts in meats and seafood. Nevertheless, coenzyme Q10 can also be made in a laboratory.

IMEKS Coenzyme Q 10

IMEKS Coenzyme Q 10

People, in general, use coenzyme Q10 to help in conditions that affect the heart such as

  • heart failure and fluid buildup in the body (congestive heart failure or CHF),
  • chest pain (angina), as well as high blood pressure.


  • People also use Q10 for preventing migraine headache,
  • for help in Parkinson disease,
  • and many other conditions.

Indeed, scientists first identified Coenzyme Q10 in the year 1957.

Ubidecarenone 75mg Imeks

Coenzyme q10 IMEKS

How does Coenzyme Q10 work in the usual dose of 75mg?

Coenzyme Q10 is an important vitamin-like substance needed for the proper function of many organs. It is also important for chemical reactions in the body. It therefore helps to supply energy to cells. Coenzyme Q10 also seems to have antioxidant activity. People with certain diseases, such as

  1. heart failure,
  2. high blood pressure,
  3. gum disease,
  4. Parkinson disease,
  5. blood infections,
  6. certain diseases of the muscles, as well as
  7. HIV infection,

might have lower levels of coenzyme Q10.

Disclaimer: As a rule, whatever we post here in " Coenzyme Q10 ((Ubidecarenone) 75mg IMEKS Kepong , Kuala Lumpur " is for information purposes only. It is not a medical and health advice of any condition. Therefore, before a reader acts upon any information provided here, it is advisable to for him to seek the advice of licensed health professionals. For no one knows what he does not know. Hence, one could possibly miss out certain crucial information. Moreover, these trained, registered professionals like pharmacists, nutritionists, dietitians and others are out over there to help them out. Furthermore, as always, the information here and its relatives may need to update from time to time.
For further enquires please check it out at our shop at Farmasi727 no. 11 Lorong Camar Kepong Baru 52100 KL
Coenzyme q10 IMEKS kepong

Coenzyme q10 IMEKS kepong