In Search of A knee support with bio ray and metal reinforement

Zendi-K Bio Ray Metal Knee Guard is available in Farmasi 727 Kepong Baru, Kuala Lumpur.

Zendi-K Bio Ray Metal Support Super Knee Guard (生命线金属片超级膝盖支架)(Pengakap Lutut Sinar Bio )

Original price was: RM76.90.Current price is: RM68.00.

Unique features of Zendi-K  Metal Knee Guard (生命线金属片超级膝盖支架)

  1. It can be stretched vertically and horizontally.
  2. The distribution of Bio Ray emitting dots are purposefully denser
  3. It comes with germanium impregnation  which further supplies the painkilling  and anti-inflammation effects.


Zendi-K Bio Ray Metal Support Knee Guard is up in Farmasi 727 Kepong Kuala Lumpur (生命线金属片超级膝盖支架).

Why choose Zendi-K Bio Ray Metal Knee Guard?

  1. It is stretchable vertically and horizontally. Boleh regang secara bujur dan lateral

  2. The distribution of Bio Ray emitting dots are with intention to be  denser. (titik sinar "bio yang pekat) ( 生命线浓密 )

  3. It comes with germanium impregnation. This thereby further renders the painkilling as well as anti-inflammation effects.

Other features of Zendi-K Metal Knee Guard:

In addition to the Bio Rays, it has metal splint supports as reinforcement with it. This is to add flexibility to the knees. Length of the Super Knee Guard is 21cm or slightly more.

Washing Instructions of Zendi-K Bio Ray Metal Super Knee Guard:

Wash by hands only using mild detergent without bleaching and ironing.

 Zendi-K Metal Knee Guard Good Is For What?

  1. Post-surgery knee conditions.
  2. Knee strains as well as
  3. knee arthritis

Our Farmasi 727 which sells Zendi-K Ray Metal Knee Guard is in Kepong Baru, North West part of Kuala Lumpur. We has been active since 1985.

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